How to filter Item lookups on Purchase Requests / Purchase Orders by vendor
Steps to filter an item lookup on a Purchasing Request or Purchase Order to only show items with a vendor item for the chosen vendor.
- Go to Setup / System / Configuration / Data Dictionary
- On the System Data Dictionary window, select VT_PO_ORD_LIN from the Tables list
- Select ITEM_NO from the Columns list
- Click on Customize column
- From the Data Dictionary window click on Column, then Other
Set Lookup table to %ITEMLOOKUPTABLE%
Set Lookup field to ITEM_NO
Set Lookup Filter to ITEM_VEND_NO = ’%[VEND_NO]%’
- Click Save and Refresh then close the Data Dictionary
- Go to Setup / System / Workgroups
- Set Item Lookup Shows to a value of Item and Inventory data
Each workgroup with this change will have item lookups limited to the vendor item number.
It is advisable to leaving one workgroup with the ability to enter any item onto a purchasing transaction.
Item is not valid message will show when trying to add an item without a vendor item already on file to a purchasing transaction. Additionally, items cannot be added on the fly to purchasing transactions.