How to filter Item lookups on Purchase Requests / Purchase Orders by vendor


Steps to filter an item lookup on a Purchasing Request or Purchase Order to only show items with a vendor item for the chosen vendor.


Set Lookup table to %ITEMLOOKUPTABLE%
Set Lookup field to ITEM_NO
Set Lookup Filter to ITEM_VEND_NO = ’%[VEND_NO]%’

Each workgroup with this change will have item lookups limited to the vendor item number.
It is advisable to leaving one workgroup with the ability to enter any item onto a purchasing transaction.

Item is not valid message will show when trying to add an item without a vendor item already on file to a purchasing transaction.  Additionally, items cannot be added on the fly to purchasing transactions.


Article ID: 205
Created: July 29, 2014
Last Updated: October 1, 2014

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