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Multisite Types of Replication Cycles


When a replication session is started, the type of replication cycle that is run is dependent on the type of site from which the replication is initiated. The different types of replication sessions are:


  • Complete Cycle — This replication cycle is used by Complete sites to replicate database changes with other complete sites in the Replication Network.
  • High to Complete Cycle — This replication cycle is used by High-Availability sites to replicate database changes with Complete sites in the Replication Network.
  • Bandwidth Cycle — This replication cycle can be used by any site type to pick a best fit partner site. The criteria for this choice is average bandwidth and subscription. The Replication Engine looks for partner sites that have the highest average bandwidth, and with which the initiating site shares the most work set slices. This is to ensure that all local data has been synchronized with at least one other site.
  • Resuscitation Cycle — This replication cycle is performed by Complete and High-Availability sites. During this cycle, an attempt is made to replicate Complete or High-Availability sites that have not been replicated in a specific time frame.
  • By default, this time frame is defined as every five days. If you want to change this value, use the following command:

dsetting PDName CHECKDEADSITES NumberDays

PDName is the data source name associated with the database.

NumberDays is the number of days that elapse before the Replication Engine contacts sites that have not been replicated in the specified time frame.

Multisite Types of Replication Cycles