Sales Analysis report by Cell does not print the cell descriptions
When printing the Sales Analysis report by Cell, the cell descriptions print as “2 cells”, “3 cells” and “4 cells” instead of the actual cell descriptions.
When selling two cells of the same gridded item on one line of a ticket, the CELL_DESC column in PS_TKT_HIST_LIN contains the value 2 cells to indicate that two cells for this item were on the ticket.
The actual description of the cells are not in PS_TKT_HIST_LIN, but in PS_TKT_HIST_CELL.
Because the Sales Analysis by Group report pulls from PS_TKT_HIST_LIN, and not from PS_TKT_HIST_CELL, it never gets the actual cell details. The report pulls the CELL_DESC, which in this case contains 2 cells.
This is working as designed.