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CPMobile: How to Remove Margin Requirement for Barcodes on a Linea Pro sled


CPMobile: How to Remove Margin Requirement for Barcodes.

The Linea Pro sled is unable to scan barcodes (like Butterfly labels).


By default, the Linea Pro sled requires a margin surrounding the barcode. Smaller labels, like Butterfly labels, do not meet this margin requirement and will not scan successfully.


The Linea Pro sled can be programmed to disregard the margin requirement by scanning the attached configuration scan sheet. The Linea Pro Sled will not register anything visually on your Apple device, nor will it beep when you are scanning the configuration barcodes. See attached instructions.

Note: You do not need to start CPMobile to reprogram the Linea Pro sled. This configuration process is hardware specific and is not affected or controlled in any way by CPMobile. 

CPMobile: How to Remove Margin Requirement for Barcodes on a Linea Pro sled
  • Attached Files
  • lp_nomargincheck.pdf (248.93 KB) 884