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Receiver in CPMobile does not preserve the Discounts, Gross Received Cost, or Suggested Price-1


CPMobile 2.3 - Receiver saved from CPMobile does not preserve the line discounts, Doc Discount, Gross recvd cost, or Suggested Price-1 values entered on the server.


Due to differences in the data models between 8.4.6.x and 8.5.x, it is not possible for CPMobile 2.3 to preserve the line discounts, Doc Discount, Gross recvd cost, or Suggested Price-1 values entered on an NCR Counterpoint server running 8.4.6.x once it is downloaded to the CPMobile device. 
Note: These changes are preserved if the retailer is operating CPMobile 2.3 against an NCR Counterpoint server running 8.5.x.


Retailers should only make changes to the line discounts, Doc Discount, Gross recvd cost, or Suggested Price-1 values on a receiver after it has been saved from CPMobile to an NCR Counterpoint running 8.4.6.x.

Receiver in CPMobile does not preserve the Discounts, Gross Received Cost, or Suggested Price-1