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’Server Error - Operation Aborted’ when completing a ticket in CPMobile 2.4 or later


CPMobile - ’Server Error - Operation Aborted’ when completing a ticket if the POS user in CP does not have ’change sales rep’ security checked in their point of sale security code


NCR Counterpoint Mobile 2.4 adds the feature to allow sales rep to be assigned or changed within the CPMobile application.   For this feature to work, the store must be configured to allow sales rep changes on the Tickets-2 tab of Setup/Point of Sale/Stores.  Additionally, each CPMobile user must have ’Change sales rep’ checked on their POS security code or the ’Server Error - Operation Aborted’ will be returned because NCR Counterpoint Mobile does not currently allow security overrides for sales rep changes.


Create a POS Security Code for your CPMobile users which includes ’Change sales rep’ as a selected security setting.   Assign this POS security code to each NCR Counterpoint user id which will use Mobile POS to enter and complete tickets in NCR Counterpoint Mobile.
See NCR Counterpoint Mobile Online Help for additional information on this feature.

See also: Online Help Topic: Selecting a Sales Rep



’Server Error - Operation Aborted’ when completing a ticket in CPMobile 2.4 or later