Scheduled Task error: This computer is not registered to work with company [dbname].


Error: This computer is not registered to work with company [dbname]. Contact your system administrator to register this computer.  FWNOTREGISTEREDFORCOMPANY when running an unattended process such as PostTickets or SettleCreditCards


This message is seen when running an unattended process such as PostTickets or SettleCreditCards.

The workstation running the unattended process must be associated with the company for which the process is run.

In versions of CounterPoint SQL prior to v8.3.9 the CPSQLAlias used in the batch files used to run the unattended processes must be in the same case as the company alias defined in the Companies Editor.


For 8.3.9 / 8.4: Workstations may be registered for each company through Setup/System/Workstations or through the Start/Programs/CounterPoint/ Radiant Management Console, which allows multiple workstation records to be managed simultaneously.  

Open the SQL Script Utility and select File/ Companies Editor. The Alias field for the company used for the automated process should be identical to the CPSQLAlias variable on the command line in the PostTickets.bat and SettleCreditCards.bat batch files. 
In CounterPoint SQL v8.3.9 CounterPoint’s Scheduled Tasks utility can be used to automate tasks. The company ID is selected from a drop down menu and there is no need to edit any batch files.


Article ID: 647
Created: January 2, 2015
Last Updated: December 9, 2016

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