How to create a tax percentage based on the ticket total


How to change the tax rate / tax percentage based on the ticket total


For example: To charge 8% up to $110, and 4% over $110:

In Setup / System / Tax authorities and enter or look up the Tax authority for which these rules will apply. Click the Rules tab.

The first rule applies to the 8% tax rate.        

  1. On the Main tab enter an Rule, a Description, and an Tax account for an 8% tax rate.
  2. On the Applies to tab, enter a Min unit taxable amount of 110.00
  3. Select the Tax amt below min box and the Stop charging tax box.

 The second rule applies to the 4% tax rate. 

  1. On the Main tab enter an Rule, a Description, and an Tax account for a 4% tax rate.
  2. On the Applies to tab, enter a Min unit taxable amount of 0.00.
  3. Clear the Tax amt below min box and the Stop charging tax box.

Article ID: 19
Created: June 2, 2014
Last Updated: December 9, 2024

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