How to setup bottle deposits


How to setup bottle deposits in NCR Counterpoint


Tag-along item kits, which are available in the Enterprise edition of CounterPoint SQL, allows items to be associated with a single parent item.

When a user sells the parent item in Ticket Entry or Touchscreen Ticket Entry, the associated tag-along items are automatically added to the ticket.

Bottle or can deposits can be defined as a tag-along item kit, which will automatically add the appropriate deposit item when a bottle or can is sold.


Before defining the tag-along item kit, setup a non-inventory or service item type for the deposit itself.

The amount of the deposit should be entered into the Price1 field. There will not be an opportunity to manually enter a price amount when the tag-along item is added to the ticket.

An item must be defined for the bottle or can as well.

Go to Inventory\ Sales Kits and choose the item number to be the kit’s parent item (the bottle or can’s item number). Any item can be the parent of a tag-along item kit, regardless of its Item type or Tracking method.

Leave the Include parent checkbox selected. With this check box selected, when the parent item number is entered the parent item is added to the ticket along with the component items.

Add the bottle deposit item to the Sales Kit, choosing a Quantity of 1, Unit of Stocking and the Qty Method of Per Parent Quantity.

NOTE: For detailed instructions on setting up Tag-Along Item Kits review the v8.3.7 Release Notes.

Article ID: 152
Created: July 18, 2014
Last Updated: August 6, 2014

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