Reported issue where Counterpoint installation fails at “Confirm SQL Server Settings” if installing with new installation of SQL 2019


Reported issue where Counterpoint installation fails at “Confirm SQL Server Settings” if installing with new installation of SQL 2019

This has been reported in the field and by development. It is currently being reviewed by development on CP-11316 - Error presented when db server for sql 2019 is different than CP application server

Development reports the issue when SQL is on a separate server but it has been reported in the field when on the same server. The issue is occurring when there is not and has never had a SQL instance installed until the SQL 2019.

CP-9397 - Officially support SQL Server 2019 with Counterpoint



The workaround is to attach a database to the SQL 2019 installation and install Counterpoint with “Pre-attached database” setting.

Article ID: 1362
Created: November 29, 2022
Last Updated: November 29, 2022

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