Inventory Valuation report does not include quantities in transit (on transfer outs)


Qtys on transfer which have not been received on transfer ins are not included on the Valuation Report.


This is proper behavior.  See below.


Item quantities on a pending transfer are not included in any location’s qty on hand and are not included in any location’s B/S Inventory account in G/L.

The report footer will include the message "Warning! Some items included in this report have quantity in-transit on transfers" if any items/locations printed on the report have inventory on an in-process transfer (i.e., a transfer-out from the location (or to the location) has been posted, but the transfer line is not complete).

Note:  Qtys in transit on transfer documents can be determined by running the Transfer Status report with a filter for transfer status on the transfer tab where status is open or reconciled.


Article ID: 783
Created: June 22, 2015
Last Updated: June 29, 2015

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