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Error: Output file C:\CPAccounting\{file name} already exists


Output file C:\CPAccounting\{file name} already exists message when interfacing distributions or vouchering receivings using an Export Accounting interface.


The file for G/L or A/P transactions created by a previous interface exists in the default directory defined for the Output file path and name under Setup / System / Accounting Interface, on either the General Ledger or Accounts Payable tab.


Although the export file for G/L or A/P for the export accounting package is created in the designated directory when performing the associated function, the file is not deleted by Counterpoint subsequently.  

The file(s) can be deleted manually by a user or other process after the exported records have been confirmed to have successfully imported into the Accounting package.

When this message is returned in the software, the operator will see a prompt to Overwrite/Append/Cancel.  

Cancel will allow the operator to abort the interface attempt and then check the existing file to confirm that it has or has not been imported into the accounting package and then take the appropriate action. 

Append will add additional records to the existing file.

Overwrite will delete the existing export file and recreate one containing only the records currently being interfaced or vouchered. 

If for example, the export file contains records that have not been imported to the accounting package, append could be used to add new records to the existing file.  If the file contained records already imported, overwrite could be used to start with a ’fresh’ export file containing only those transactions being interfaced/vouchered at the current time.


Error: Output file C:\CPAccounting\{file name} already exists